Rabu, 05 Desember 2012
Dàn Tuǐ
Dàn Tuǐ (Chinese: 弹腿) adalah jurus aliran kung fur utara yang terkenal dan memiliki beberapa versi disebabkan pengaruh penggabungan dari berbagai jurus. Dàn Tuǐ dapat diterjemahkan sebagai "musim semi".
Jurus yang digabungkan pada Dan Tuǐ diantaranya Belalang Sembah Utara, Changquan, dan Shaolin Utara serta banyak jurus kecil atau sistem lainnya.
Memahami Dàn Tuǐ
Tan Tuǐ terdiri dari serangkaian bentuk, yang menekankan kombinasi serangan tangan,serangan kaki, pertahanan, sikap kuda-kuda dan langkah tempur. Dàn Tuǐ adalah jurus basic yang umumnya digunakan sebagai bentuk dasar untuk pengembangan jurus. Jurus-jurus hasil pengembangan Dàn Tuǐ diantaranya Jurus Praktis Teratai Mas, Jun Chuan Teratai Mas, Cha Quan dan Bei Chang Quan sistem (tinju jauh utara).
Dàn Tuǐ diajarkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berkelahi, keseimbangan, kekuatan, fleksibilitas, dan fokus, dan berisi keterampilan dasar yang diperlukan untuk membentuk skill lanjutan. Pepatah umum di kalangan praktisi bela diri Tiongkok adalah "Jika Dàn Tuǐ anda baik, kung fu anda akan baik."
Dan Tuǐ berakar di suku Hui, bangsa muslim di utara Tiongkok yang kemudian berkembang di wilayah utara tiongkok lain terutama Shantung, He Bei, Sha'anxi dan Henan. Dàn Tuǐ memiliki banyak versi dan varian, namun memiliki prinsip yang sama. (dari wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Tui dengan perubahan)
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jurus dari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huo_Yuanjia
History of Jing Mo
Towards the end of the Ching Dynasty, China was weak and politically confused. The country was suffering from one natural disaster after another on top of oppression. The Chinese people were regarded as invalids because of the miserable economic conditions. The idea behind starting a center for martial arts was to help lift the peoples feeling as Invalids of Asia. Ching Wu (Jing Mo)Association was founded in 1909 by Huo Yuan Chia with the aim of cultivating sagacity, benevolence and courage and improving the health of the people. With the failure of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, the reputation of Chinese martial arts among the populace had fallen to its lowest point since the time when the Chinese martial arts was at the Shao Lin Monastery in the late 1400s. From 1909 to 1939, the Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Physical Cultural Association was able to restore the populace faith and respect for Chinese Martial Arts. Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Association developed into Chinas earliest and largest Martial Art Institute. Huo Yuan Chia became a National Hero and his name still is revered and honored as a great martial artist fighter.
Before Huo Yuan Chia death, he wrote to Chao Lin Ho who was a master of Northern Shao Lin with his specialty in the Er Lang Style, Mi Tsung, Tam Tui Style and the Battle Fist Styles and invited him to teach at the Ching Wu Ti Tsao School in Shanghai. Chao Lin Ho was from the Fu Tou Village, Tung Hsien County, Hopei Province. The young patriot group decided to renew the invitation again to Chao Lin Ho to the new Ching Wu Ti Yu Hui school in Shanghai. With a new instructor coming, a new school name, and a new location, it was a new beginning for the school. Chao Lin Ho was to be the first of many instructors to be invited. Chao Lin Ho arrived in 1911 and his first task was to prepared numerous lectures on Chinese martial arts and later in the early 1920s wrote his most famous books on Twelve Rows of Tam Tui, Twelve Rows of Sparring Tam Tui, Northern Shao Lin Combination Battle Fist, Ta Mor Sword and the Northern Shao Lin Cross-Battle set while at the Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Physical Cultural Association. Chao Lin Ho developed and standardized the twelve rows of Tam Tui and the twelve rows of sparring Tam Tui. The group were so pleased with Chao Lin Ho that they appointed him the Ching Wu's Head Instructor. He would be responsible for all the Ching Wu (Jing Mo) schools throughout the East. On March 4, 1915, Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Physical Cultural Association out grew its facility and moved into a larger facility. It was a two story building with much more space. Living quarters and offices were on the upper level while the training, teaching and meeting areas were on the first level. Chao Lin Ho was able to organize the association and kept its members up to date regularly on the activities in the Ching Wu (Jing Mo) Physical Cultural Association through a published magazine.
kong kong sukong hau yuan jia ........ ingat ia yang memperkenalkan dan membukukan dan menyempurnakan tam tui sehingga sampai sekarang masih dapat dipelajari ............ salam dari artis shantung kungfu... dan jangan menonjolkan SARA trims
Apa mungkin ada jg tahu asal usul tantui teratai emas bagaimana sejarah masuk ke indonesianya?
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